Wednesday, January 19, 2011


....RUK...EPY BIRTDAY 2 U....

We’re joining in together to wish you all the fun
that’s sure to make your birthday a real terrific one...
A day that’s filled with gladness and plenty of good cheer
with happiness that lingers until this time next year!
Happy Birthday!

p/s: sorry cz kne kan kamo time AJM ar2..hehe..P.E.A.C.E. ;)))

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Dua tiga kapal belayar di samudera
Ayuh sahabatku kita bergembira
Bermain bernyanyi bersama menikmati indahnya dunia

Sahabat untuk selamanya
Bersama untuk selamanya
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya setia
oh oh..

Berakit-rakit kita ke hulu
berenang-renang kita ke tepian
kita berbeza untuk saling mengisi segala kekurangan kita

Sahabat untuk selamanya
Atasi semua perbedaan
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya… selama-lamanya setia…

Tiada bukit yang terlalu tinggi
untuk kita daki bersama
dan tak ada laut yang terlalu dalam
untuk diselami…

Sahabat untuk selamanya
Bersama untuk selamanya
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya ohh..

Sahabat untuk selamanya
Berbagi dan saling menjaga
Kau dan aku sahabat
Untuk selamanya… selama-lamanya… setia…

p/s: suka lagu ney......huhu

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLEASE LAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are You Sick and Tired of the Constant Struggle, Pain, Embarrassment and Humiliation That Jealousy is Causing In Your Relationship and Life?

Is YOUR jealousy causing you to feel scared and afraid that your partner, spouse or lover is going to leave you for someone else and you'll end up alone?

Is Your partner's out-of-control jealousy and constant questions about where you've been, who you've been with and what you were doing-- driving you crazy?

If you're finally ready to say..."Stop the jealousy--I've had enough" then...

Get Ready To Learn The Simple Steps You
Need to Take To Stop The Jealousy Now--
BEFORE it Rips Your Relationship To Shreds...

We're relationship coaches Susie and Otto Collins and we're experts in helping people like you overcome jealousy.

  • Learn to be happy with yourself and what you have, unless what you lack is due to oppression, and if that is the case, if you have the ability to stick up for yourself and cause changes that will benefit everyone in your situation, including yourself.
  • Everyone is different, and each person has good and bad qualities. Realize that you have the potential to create a better future.
  • Try to talk about your problems with someone. Perhaps you feel that these jealous tendencies are a private matter; then, you ought to anonymously ask an advice column or similar construct about your problem.
  • Irrational jealousy usually stems from indoctrinated social values which do not favor people such as yourself. Both you and society may hold such values. Of course, its easier to challenge your own values than that of others, start here first. Often, American psychology purposely confuses the concept that one has low self-esteem when the truth is, external influences, such as the media, cause degraded and distorted social values, not internalized deficiencies. Self-esteem is a concept invented to blame the victim, when the reality is the victim is being punished for not towing the line to the wants which are constantly being spewed from things like popular media and traditional means of social control. Reject these glorified values and be yourself and be proud to be different.
  • Realize that it is very often your own viewpoint is distorting reality. The grass is always greener and often the mind singles out a distorted piece of the whole which you want, but conveniently ignores negative aspects which come packaged with the positive. When you are jealous, you may think, "I want that; it would be nice to have that thing or experience for myself" However, people are different and the other person may be suffering unknowingly or in ways you cannot foresee or comprehend. Trade your anger for curiosity, try to get the bigger picture before making rash judgments.
O! beware, my lord, of jealousy;
It is the green-eyed monster which doth mock
The meat it feeds on.
~William Shakespeare, Othello

P/S: tolang r jangan jealousy boleh x???agak2 lah nk jealousy pon....ktorg kwn je!!!huhhhh

Monday, January 10, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011


heeeeeeeeeee...sjk2 msk sem baru ney xjmp lgsg lg both of u....rindu nk borak2 n gosip2 cm dlu.....u all jual mhl sgt etep..huhu...aku rindu kamo loh....LOL....

p/s:hope nxwek kte jmp.....

Friday, January 7, 2011


weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....nnt kami2 semua akan jd mantan SICC dh...suka3... erm tp ada gak r sdey..nnt xley nk m'busykan diri dh..mst agk xbes..thn nnt xley nk gle2 dh....mst windukan smua ajk....nnt 4sure kte mkn jrg hope kte smua ttp jd kwn smapai ble2 k...nnt dh nk bt AJM dh nxwek...huhu..

p/s: -soorry ruk...gmbr u xde....erm xdtg sgt tme ney...
-hope kte smua stil mcm dlu...
-hope adk2 yang akn jd ahli baru kami smua ok2....



...Nieee lah Adilah...

Yeeeeaaahhhhhh new sem....1st sy xduk kt kolej....nw sy duk kt luar kampus.....agk bangga dgn dri really indpndnt.....tnpa kkwn yg 1kos.....n xpyh nk ikt kwn.....dcde sndri nk duk kt luar tnpa kwn yg 1kos.....nw sy dh pndai nk idup indpndnt....syukur ssgt...bes duk kt c2 cz nk mkn pom snng..nk pe2 pom snng xpyh n sshkn org len....nw sy 1bilik dgn adilah..president SICC ktorg...suka ssgt 1bilik dgn die.....lawak..byk mlt...die lah ketua rumah ktorg...die sorg yg gle2.....nw evry nite ktorg tgk movie...dilah lah pny idea.... kalo game or edit gmbr je....weeeeeeeeeeeeeee.....thanxx dilah cz tlh mceriakan idup sy....hehe......aku sayang ko ketat2....

KRONG** RS.....


1. Ble korng knal RS?
-heeeee 1st tme rapat tme SICC..b4 tis knl xrapat lgsg...jz jmp n snym2....thn nek p5 mkn hari mkn rpt til nw..hehe

2. Ape nme gelaran yg korng nk bg kt RS?

3. One word utk describe RS?

4. Ape yg bez kwn ngan RS?
-bek ssgt...xbkira,paham jiwa,sgt caring...

5. Ape yg korng meluat ngan RS ni?
-ble dia dtg bulan...opsss...haha

6. Pengalaman manis yg korng x leh lupe time ngan RS?
-time kte jz mkn b2 dkt akira...smua org tgk len jee...hehe...swit erk??

7. Pengalaman pahit yg korng x leh lupe time ngan RS?
-time sme2 lipak kls.....

8. Lagu korng utk RS?
-memori tercipta

9. Kalu movie or cte utk RS ape plak?
-MADU TIGA...hahahaaha

10. Kalu RS ajak korng masuk The Amazing Asia nk x? Kenape?
-tak nak rrr...4 sure kita kalah..hahahhaha dgn AIS pom kte dh tewas..

11. Ape yg korng expect kt RS pas 10 tahun?
-arap2 jd mkn kerassss...opsssss

12. Any advice utk RS?
-dh r liipat kls n jd jantan yg soleheh..hahah

13. Drpd 5 bintang brape korng nk bg kt RS?
-4 lah kot....

14. 3 soalan yg korng nak sangat tanya kt RS?
-sayang aiman x??
-snggp x if kita bmadu???
-ble nk stat couple???

15. Ape prasan korng time jwb questionnaires ni?
-xcted gle...nk tgelak pom ada...huaaa

Monday, January 3, 2011